Upcoming events
RECOVER Rescuer (BLS+ALS) Certification
To attend this course, participants must have successfully completed the RECOVER online BLS and ALS courses (available at http://recoverinitiative.org).
Please note: You have to organize and pay for this online training module yourself, via recoverinitiative.org. To receive a 20% discount on the online course registration, please reach out to our email!
Course Description
The in-person RECOVER Certification workshop in BLS + ALS is a hands-on workshop held by RECOVER Certified BLS Instructor® composed of a review of key concepts and practical training using simulated scenarios.
The training is approximately 5 hours long with a practical assessment the participants must pass in order to obtain certification as a RECOVER Certified BLS Rescuer®.
Learning Objectives
BLS Technique
Rapidly recognize patients with cardiopulmonary arrest
Properly administer high-quality chest compressions using the most up-to-date approaches in dogs and cats
Provide mouth-to-snout or intubated ventilation according to current evidence-based guidelines
Utilize effective communication and team skills that will improve your ability to manage emergent and critically ill patients
ALS Technique
Utilize effective communication and team skills that will improve your ability to manage emergent and critically ill patients
Choose the most useful monitoring devices for patients in cardiopulmonary arrest and interpret data from them
Rapidly diagnose the arrest ECG rhythm to determine the best ALS therapies for the patient
Administer the most effective drugs and other adjunctive therapies for patients with cardiopulmonary arrest
Additional information:
For questions regarding certification duration, recertification process etc please visit the official Recover initiative website at recoverinitiative.org.
Course Description
The cost per person is 400 CHF.
Please note: You have to organize and pay for this online training module yourself, via recoverinitiative.org. To receive a 20% discount on the online course registration, please reach out to our email!
Small Animal ECC Seminar
We look forward to welcoming you to our two-hour seminar on "Emergency and Critical Care".
The seminar will be divided into two parts.
The first, one-hour part is dedicated to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and focuses on the latest changes to the RECOVER guidelines presented by Tommaso Rosati, DVM, DACVECC, DECVECC.
The second part presents the clinical management of three emergencies that occur frequently in clinical practice: trauma, heat stroke and sepsis.
For each of these topics, the latest findings from the literature are presented and demonstrated using a clinical case to make the discussions more interactive.
We look forward to welcoming you in large numbers!
This seminar is aimed exclusively at veterinarians.
Other speakers:
Alessio Vigani, Prof. DVM, PhD, DACVECC, DECVECC, DACVAA
Linda Gabba, Dr. med. vet., Senior Physician Emergency Medicine
Yaiza Herrero, Dr. med. vet., Senior Physician Emergency Medicine
Location: Medienraum Kleintierklinik (entrance at the reception Kleintierklinik, turn right), University Animal Hospital Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 260, 8057 Zurich
Date: 28. November 2024
Time: 18:00 to 20:00
Costs: none
Registration deadline: 27. November 2024
Link to the registration form: https://www.tierspital.uzh.ch/anmeldung-zuercher-kleintierseminar-am-donnerstag-im-november/
Education points: Participation in the continuing education can be submitted to the GST for training hours. We are happy to take care of this for you, provided that you provide your GST membership number during registration. For participation in this seminar, 2 hours of training are accepted.
Parking spaces: The parking spaces in the animal hospital area are reserved exclusively for our patient owners. Please use the parking garage Irchel (5 minutes walk).
Public transport (ÖV): If you arrive by public transport, take tram 7 or 9 to the Tierspital stop. Walk up the ramp and keep to the left, towards Tierspital. Take the lift to the exit. From there, the way to the small animal reception / small animal emergency is described (2-3 minutes on foot).